Home Girls Unite

Where eldest Daughters thrive 

about us

Home Girls Unit

Home Girls Unite (HGU) is a Community Interest Company that works to provides a safe space for eldest daughters and daughter from immigrant homes, both online offline. Home Girls is founded by eldest daughters out of frustration for the lack of support for the unique challenges we face. As eldest daughters ourselves, we understand how this position infiltrates every aspect of our lives and so we are in the best position to understand the support our users need. This is a key strength of our organisation and one we are reminded of when we receive feedback such as ‘I wish I came across HGU sooner’. Such feedback reinforces that we are improving the lives of eldest daughters and making the right impact.

Our Mission

Creating a safe spaces for eldest daughters, to amplify their voices, raise awareness of their lived experiences and empower them to live happier and healthier lives.

Our Values 

  1. AUTONOMY:  recognise and centre their needs in our work. 
  2. TRANSPARENCY: hold ourselves accountable by delivering what we promise.
  3. RESPECT: respect the different experiences and perspectives each member brings. 
Definition of

Eldest Daughter

The eldest daughter refers to the first-born daughter within the household. However, there are some instances where other birth orders within the family inherit the role. For example, the role may get passed to the middle or youngest daughter due to the following, this definition has been gathered from my experience in the organisation, and through conversations with other daughters who may not fit in the conventional definition of what the eldest daughter should be.

  1. The firstborn daughter has left the household
  2. The firstborn daughter rejected the role
  3. All daughters have been parentified

Team + Trustees

Chair of Board

Why do we support the Eldest Daughter?

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Book a Rant Session Here

Being the eldest daughter comes with many feelings that we may not necessarily know how to unpack. Sometimes we just need someone to talk to, express ourselves and be heard.

These ranting sessions are a space to speak one-to-one with fellow eldest daughter, free of judgement, express your feelings, get general advice or just a space to talk. 

Rant sessions are available on zoom or a phone call. If you are outside the UK, please make sure we can contact us on WhatsApp or Facetime Audio.